Friday, October 08, 2004

Forget real estate, I'm moving to a trailer park!

Valerie found this gem on Yahoo! Auctions. Does eBay have this? I don't think so!

"It's like a Dreeeaamm!" as my landlord, June, would say. My landlord is a very nice, but very wacky Japanese lady. She is obsessed with my belongings. Everytime she stops by the building for maintenance, she ebulliently chases me down to tell me how she loves all the cuteness in my apartment. She always says, in her charmingly broken English, "It's like a Dreeeaamm!" and then she rambles on about some crazy gossip about the neighbors that I only can half-understand.

One time I was pulling out of the driveway in my happy new convertible beetle, about to leave for work, and June very excitedly knocked on my window. I thought she had some urgent news, like maybe the hot water would get turned off or maybe there was a gas leak. All she wanted to say was, "I LOOOVE your CARRRR! It's SOOOO cuuhOOOt! I LOVe it! That's all. I just wanted to to tell you that."

But she had already mentioned this to me just the day before. I think normally I would be really irritated with her, but I guess it is nice that my landlord appreciates my kawaii obsession.

Have you noticed that landlords can be really colorful characters? My boyfriend's landlord is really cranky and likes to criticize the town's over-righteous nature. He says things like "The town is like a bunch of Berkeley graduates who grew up and got rich." Or he will call them "Commies" who got rich. Brian says that my boyfriend's landlord and my landlord are simply exaggerated old versions of my boyfriend and me.

Hmm. That is a little scary.

Anyway, I digress. Isn't this Hello Kitty Airstream amazing? I mean, it's way more luxurious than my closet-sized apartment. It's got INTERNET READY hookups, includes a microwave and refrigerator. I don't even have room for a microwave much less a normal fridge at home. It has adorably coordinated pink everything, plus a diner-style booth. And it's for charity, sponsored by TARGET! And I loooove Target! It's like they made it for me!. Really, who else would really want to live in this thing but me?

With all this buzz about having to invest in a home, maybe I'll invest in one of these instead. Can you just imagine it?? I could work remotely, by internet, while travelling across the country. And then I could blog about all the adventures meeting all the wonderful people who are drawn to the magic of Sanrio. It's like, a Dreeeaamm!

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