Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Kid Genius and Psychic Asians

Today, one of the little kids in the Head Start program told my classmate that she wants to someday be a kung fu mermaid.

I don't even know how that works, but I think that is the coolest ambition I have ever heard.

Also, last Sunday, I had a rare opportunity for brunch with friends, who suggested I design something... that I was already in the midst of designing:
Friend 1: You should make an Asian doll!
Me: Funny you mention that... cuz, I am designing an Asian doll! For homework, we had to draw whatever kind of doll we wanted, so I drew an Asian one.
Roommate: Yeah, and don't put her in a Chinese dress. I hate that. So typical.
Me: Yeah, it's kind of stereotypical.
Roommate: Boring!
Friend 1: I know! Asian girls are stylish! You should make one in an A-line Chanel dress.
Me: Actually... the one I drew is in an A-line dress! And it does look kind of Chanel. That's so weird.
Friend 1: And give her wavy hair! Cuz they need to show that Asians come in all types.
Me: Well. I did draw her with wavy hair! You're like, reading my mind!
Friend 1: Yeah, and you can put her in all kinds of fashions... and not just that stupid "Haradookoo" stuff.
Me: Harajuku?
Friend 1: Yeah, see you know my language.
Me: Yeah, maybe I can put one in streetwear, and another in more high-fashion...
Roommate: And give her boobs!
Friend 1: And a booty! Cuz there are Asians with booty! Like me!
Me: Okay! I'll work on that.

I guess I am just on the pulse of what people want!
Or at least what independent Asian-American thirtysomething women in New York want.

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