Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Most Popular for misocrazy!

Every once in a while I like to check the Most Popular news and photos on Yahoo! News. It's an amusing cultural thing to observe. Inevitably the most popular pics regularly feature baby animals, giant things, small things, deformed people, or nearly naked women. Today's most popular photos, for example, include what looks like a sumo wrestler adjusting another's wedgie, a man getting poked in the ass by a bull's horn, a female pro-volleyball player's butt, and President Bush making the stupidest face ever.

I learned that flickr lets you see which of your photos are most popular, most commented, and chosen as favorites! It's like my own "Most Popular Photos" section. So on my fairly new flickr (now PRO! --thanks to Havi) account, somehow this pic of Brian playing Space Invaders is wildly popular. Perhaps it caught on cuz it's part of a pool of photos shared by other How Conference attendees, but who knows. Of course, my second most popular photo is of my ex-boyfriend's sisters and me all dolled up for a party. I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that a photo of beautiful ladies would be very popular. But who are these people viewing them??

Oddly enough, someone picked two of my photos of a design studio interior as their favorites. I find them fairly unremarkable, so I don't quite understand that.

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