Monday, October 24, 2005

It's not going to happen.

2004 Smileys
Originally uploaded by misocrazy.
Sorry folks, after years of making fun costumes for Halloween, I'm not doing a costume this year. I'll let someone else have the honor of winning (or losing to a store-bought, uncreative, tacky costume) at the annual costume contest at work.

I did have a costume idea, but most likely it will not get done in time this year. So I'll save it for 2006. Until then, you may peruse my past years' costumes on flickr.

BTW, The 40-Year Old Virgin is incredibly hilarious. Non-stop laughs. My face was sore from laughing. There is a delightful cast of crazy characters spewing outrageous dialogue and wacky antics. But it's got a lot of crass, uncomfortable, un-PC jokes, very much in the vein of Harold and Kumar, Wedding Crashers, and American Pie. Crass, yet somehow somewhat heartwarming in the end. It gives hope to dorky old virgins across the country. (I also learned something from it. I need to date an Ebay seller, so he can help me make my millions off my accumulation of cute things.) As a warning to clueless men: I wouldn't recommend it as a first-date movie.

Also, I rented the original Alfie, with Michael Caine. I suppose this may have been a groundbreaking film in its era, showing a playboy being unusually frank and witty, who eventually has to come to terms with the consequences of his actions... but my God, how depressing! And what kind of moronic woman in this day would put up with a guy like that?? I wouldn't recommend it, and I don't plan to see the new one, as cute as Jude Law is. Also, I would not recommend this as any sort of date movie.

Speaking of Jude, why couldn't they have made him the new James Bond? Or even Clive Owen? 007 is suppossed to be a ladies' man, right? If you want to make that believable, that means you get an attractive man. Not Daniel Craig. I don't care how good Layer Cake was.

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