Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Welcome back to New York!

Congrats to Princess Tatertot and Prince Big Bird!

They threw one of the most fun and touching weddings I've ever been to, and I'm not just saying that because I was a bridesmaid. Also kudos to the Maid of Honor who designed the beautiful invitations, programs, etc. And kudos to the Best Man who did a nice job in his first time as a wedding officiant.

Aside from the hairdresser burning my head, I had a fantastic weekend in surprisingly warm and sunny San Francisco, playing tourist with my L.A. friends.

Then I took a red-eye flight back to NYC (complete with a free Great Lash mascara sample from Jet Blue!?), only to be welcomed back with a day of fiascoes:

1. The building super informed me that he had to tear HOLES in the walls of my apartment to fix a plumbing leak. Later this was determined to be the result of our faulty laundry machine which I told my landlord to replace ages ago.

2. My cable bill which should have been transferred to my name was still emailed to my old roommate, but with my name spelled as a completely crazy and unfathomable name.

3. My Canadian bank account (from my summer job) sent me a money order to close my account, but they printed my last name as "Smith." FYI, that's not my last name. It's not even CHINESE.

4. Due to the economic crisis, one of my accounts was frozen without warning, right when my advisor placed some investment purchases, resulting in a crazy-negative balance on my bank account!!

5. I still have a pile of homework to catch up on, plus unpacking to do. And I didn't really sleep well on my red-eye flight, even with the nice sleeping mask and earbuds that Jetblue gave us.

So I started to take care of some of this, but by the afternoon, I started to fade. My landlord came over to supervise the Super, because she doesn't trust him. So I just went to sleep and figured maybe when I wake up, things will be much better.

After I woke up:

1. The holes in the wall were filled, and the leak was fixed. (but they still have to paint and clean it up.) But hey, this means the landlord will finally get us that new dishwasher she promised us! (Or we will be living w/ a big gaping hole in our kitchen)

2. Ehhh I'll deal w/ the cable retards later. It's just tv. Oh, and internet. Hmm.

3. I sent the money order back to the Canucks, who promise me they'll get it right this time. (I also picked up a delicious Mocha at the Le Colombe on the way to the post office. And I discovered that I live across from an awesome photography supply shop called K&M Tribeca. And the new shoe store beneath my apartment is nearly ready to be open.)

4. My financial guy had me fill out some forms and said it'll get resolved very soon... I trust him! It'll all be good!

5. I checked the mail and got a brand new digital camera in a pretty brown color, from my brother!

And today, I got an adorable pink camera case to go with it.

Then I got my credit card bill, which was surprisingly tiny. I checked the details and realized that a chunk of my tuition got refunded! That means my application for New York residency went THROUGH!

Yep, it's true. I have a New York driver's license, I'm registered to vote here, and now I'm a true New York resident. YAY!

Oh, about that homework... Um, after some compulsive Facebooking with all the adorable wedding photo updates, I need some more sleep now. I'll deal with school in the morning. I needed my recovery time after my flight anyway. It all works out somehow.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Miso,

Great reading... lots going on!

And just nutty enough for "Nuts in NY"!

All in good fun, of course...

BTW, welcome back to NYC!

David @ Nuts In NY

8:59 PM  

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