Fun with MySpace
Ah, it's so easy to make fun of MySpace.
Here's a jab from that awful silicon valley gossip blog and another from The Daily Show.
Of course, I then had to go and post the video as a bulletin on MySpace, cuz I'm an eNerd. And then I found one of those cheesy friend questionnaires! Ah, how I loved to do those back in 1999. So here goes:
1. Female friend: Gah, don't make me pick! NH, KT, DL, KP, PV, JL?
2. Male friend: Wha? Boys are dumb. Ok, I guess, TK or cousin Bill.
3. Vacation: That I've had? Probably Hong Kong, France, or Hawaii
1. Time of day: 7am-8am?
2. Day of the Week: Monday, I'm so unoriginal.
3. Food: sea slug
4. Memory: Hmm. That's too depressing to share here. See the bottom of this entry.
1. Person you saw: Canadian Jen
2. Talked to on the phone: Penny
3. Texted: Diana
4. IMed: Kathleen
5. Messaged over MySpace: "Lola," my junior high school friend's lil' sis. Blame her for this dorky quiz.
1. What are you doing now: composing a blog entry on the work shuttle bus
2. Wearing: dark skinny BR jeans from Goodwill, Forever 21 polka dot top, Irregular Choice black/pink kitten heel shoes
3. Better than yesterday?: Yes, if the Mexican Bus goes well. --except the food was probably better yesterday (at Kiss Sushi in Japantown)
1. Tomorrow is: Saturday!
2. Got any plans?: Brunch in my 'hood, then shopping & b-day Chez Panisse w/ girlfriends
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: I will likely be hungover.
1. Number: 8 or 666
2. Song: at the moment, "Here It Goes Again" by OK Go
3. Color: primary colors. not gray.
4. Season: summer
1. Missing someone: perhaps
2. Mood: bemused
3. Wanting: a nap
Yes or No
I am a cuddler: hmm. yes? it's been awhile. depends with whom.
I am a morning person: rarely.
I am addicted to myspace: no
I am online 24/7: pretty much. make me feel extra pathetic, why don't you.
I enjoy country music: older stuff. Basically Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash,and The Mavericks
I enjoy jazz music: Some of it.
I enjoy smoothies: Yes, esp. if it has peaches, mango, or blueberries
I enjoy talking on the phone: not really. I'm 31, not 13.
I have a crush: yes?
I have a hard time paying attention at school: I'm too cool (read: old) for school.
I have a hidden talent: I am still looking for it!
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: not really. okay maybe.
I am an only child: no
I am currently in my pajamas: no
I am currently single: yes
I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" girl or guy: no
I have at least one brother and/or sister: yes (hmm that was redundant. did an 11-year old write this thing?)
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor: no.
I have broken a bone: no
I have changed a lot over the past year: i don't think a LOT, but some? change is good!
I have had major/minor surgery: no
Lost someone close to you: yes
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