Sunday, April 08, 2007

Seriously? Get it together, people.

I am losing interest in Grey's Anatomy. Watching educated people exercise poor judgement and fall into dysfunctional relationships is annoying. I am most irritated with Izzy, who falls apart and lets all her insecurities screw with other people's lives.

Despite all this, I took the "Which Grey's Anatomy character are you like" quiz (which is phrased, oddly, from a woman's point of view... cuz there are male characters on the show).

I figured I would be most like Meredith, but it said I was like Addison! --which I might be okay with, except for the part where she cheated on Dr. McDreamy, with Dr. McSteamy, which I would never do.

So of course, I re-took the test and re-answered a couple questions I wavered on. Then I was scored as a Meredith. It turns out that the differentiating factors were whether I "hang out with friends" vs. "sleep in" on my time off. Or maybe it was where I thought that motherhood is "something I want when I find the right man" or "rewarding but stressful."

Hmm. I think a clearer distinction between the two characters would have been "You'd screw up a relationship with the One you love" and "You tend to fall for nice guys who screw you over anyway."

On the other hand, it is fun to watch Chris O' Donnell and Patrick Dempsey, as they have somehow gotten incredibly more attractive in their older years. It's especially amazing for Dempsey, when you look at this old photo:

Yikes, right? I mean, seriously. That is a hideous photo. But this should give hope to all the unattractive men out there, because that guy somehow became Dr. McDreamy:

Which brings me to my #1 grooming tip to the men out there.

Much like how you like women with pretty locks of hair, women too, like touchable hair. If you are lucky enough to still have a head of hair, fix it. If you have a ratty mess of curls, you can turn it into glorious, touchable hair.

And don't do the goatee, dudes. Maybe that is just me, but I say it's not hot. Even my man, Carmine (aka Detective Danny Messer of CSI:NY), cannot rock the goatee. Goatees = not fun to kiss, and therefore not touchable. Feel the need to appear manly? There are other ways. Exercise chivalry. Effectively plan an event. Work out. Get better shoes or clothes. The goatee is NOT the answer.

If you have pin-straight (Asian) hair, get a haircut that doesn't blind us with your scalp. Or if you MUST crop it short, try the JT look, where it's more even all around (as shown by Andy Lau below), and stay away from the 80s hip-hop fade.

This is the one cropped cut that somehow retains the touchable factor, because it has a peach-fuzz effect. But this works better on guys blessed with really great facial structure, like Andy Lau, Jason Statham, or JT. Otherwise I recommend the more tousled Andy Lau/ Tony Leung look from Infernal Affairs.

I have several cousins and brothers that wear good haircuts, and so I don't know why the rest of the Asian guys out there walk around with those bad hair cuts. It totally kills your game, dudes. Work it out!

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Blogger Jenny Lee Photography said...

Haha. Do most asian boys u know really have bad haircuts? I guess I should be glad that hair for my man is like one of the MOST important accessories for him. So I should be glad he takes good care of that one at least :|

11:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

two points: any facial hair on a man = BAD! and some asian dudes CAN'T do the tousled style - it sticks straight up (i speak from my bf's experience). :)

10:12 PM  

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