Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Alright, I take you back, TV

To retain a sense of calm from my busy life, I have reserved Wednesday nights as my nights off; no social obligations, just me at home, alone w/ the TV. And I LOVE it. So here are my thoughts on Wednesday night tv lately:

(Warning: these include minor spoilers)

America's Next Top Model

I only saw the first episode of this season and then caught the finale. I've decided that's all you really need from this show, after you've seen one season all the way through.

The finale came down to a hot Russian and a hot Latina. I figure they chose the Latina cuz she'd appeal to the mass hispanic market. You don't hear much about the Russian-American market.

Plus, the Russian was awkward at ad-libbing in the Cover Girl commercial. She was a good sport about losing, and the Latina was totally stoked, especially because she was rejected from the previous season in the first round. So it all worked out for the best.

American Idol

I am but a sporadic American Idol watcher, but I just saw the semi-final. How the hell did Melinda not get into the final round? Clearly, Melinda is the best singer. She's like Aretha, Jr. I'm guessing it's just that people assumed she'd be a shoe-in, and so everyone called in to vote for the underdogs. Well, even if she didn't get into the finals, she's certain to have a singing career now.

Jordin is sweet and a really good singer, but I don't think she's very original. I'd like to see her sing in Disney musicals, but I wouldn't go to her concerts. I think Blake has a really fun, more unique style going for him, so I vote for Blake. Plus I dig the scruffy-prep look he keeps sporting. And he loves his dad. How can you resist that?

I don't bother voting on these things, but if you do, will you vote for Blake? Thanks.

As a side note, I'm so glad they booted the other young white guy, who was like a JT knockoff. He was a decent singer, but all that constant head-bobbing was driving me NUTS.

Notes from the Underbelly

I have a major girl-crush on Rachael Harris, who plays Cooper. She is hilarious. I loved her back when I had MTV and she was a regular on Best Week Ever. I love that she is a smart, sassy, mean girl in cute package with glasses.

Also, I love the husband on this show, Andrew (Peter Cambor). He is that sort of sweet, affable, dorky-cute, sleepy-eyed, clean-cut guy that I love. AND he was being SO cute on tonight's episode. I'm sure it just grossed the male audiences out there.

I like this show. But I feel like I'm the only one. Luckily I live by myself so I can enjoy it. But I don't expect the show to last very long.


(I realize this part is for the 1.5 other people I know who actually watch CSI: NY instead of Lost.)

Can I just say? The season finale was hot.

I was freaking out so much at all the intense action, I had to hug a pillow to get through it.

I really liked Danny (Carmine) in the half-tucked shirt, Even Mac (Gary Sinise) went up about 10 notches in my book (even if he is old for me), and I love Dr. Sheldon Hawkes (Hill Harper) all the more as well. I just wish they gave him a better name! Don Flack (Eddie Cahill) is still kind of flat and doofusy to me, even with his pretty blue eyes.

I want to root for Lindsay, but honestly it was weird to see her all mackin' with Danny. It was like, seeing an auntie getting busy with a biker dude. --Just kind of awkward and icky. Can't they get a slightly less dowdy actress, who's still kind of an underdog? Maybe someone more like... oh, Claire Danes? Or... I dunno, Zooey Deschanel? Or... me?

I even gave into the stupid IQ text trivia contest when it went to commercial. I am such a sucker. I want to win that walk-on role! Does this mean I might play a dead body? Must work out, must work out...

30 Rock

Okay, this is not a Wednesday show. It is a Thursday show. Whatever. I had neglected this one, until I heard that ALL of the episodes were available to watch online for free!

So I started watching it, and I quite like it! Call me crazy, but I feel like it's a cross between The Office and Arrested Development... which may explain why watching it reminds me of my days at work. I am one of the few woman on a team full of wacky guy characters, many of whom drop inappropriate conversation. And a few of them get into ridiculous conflicts with each other.

And, like Liz Lemon (Tina Fey), I often go confide in my 1 or 2 girlfriends at work, who are going through their own bizarre dramas at work. (And then crazy stuff happens, like the boss buying corduroy pants for his team, with the company brand embroidered in the fly).

I always liked Tina Fey, but I didn't like Tracy Morgan much before. But he is really funny on 30 Rock. And Alec Baldwin is consistently awesome, as he was on his SNL appearances. (But I'm starting to think he plays the a-hole so well because he's an a-hole in real life.) So I'll be busy catching up on all those episodes in between my Netflix shipments.

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