Sunday, February 10, 2008

Kudos to Junos, Sappy Sundays

I finally saw Juno, which was very charming, and you should go see it if you haven't. Also, kudos to my friends at Shadowplay Studio, who did the wonderful opening title sequence.

Can someone tell me where this actress, Olivia Thirlby is from, other than her part in Juno? She looks and sounds so familiar to me, but nothing on her IMDB profile is anything I'm familiar with. Or is there another actress that she looks like? I can't place it at all.

Did you know that the Oscar-nominated film was directed by Jason Reitman, son of Ivan Reitman–known mostly for Ghostbusters!? I saw a little interview with the two of them on CBS Sunday Morning news, and I actually got teary-eyed, when I watched Ivan Reitman get all teary-eyed about his son's Oscar nomination.

Also on CBS Sunday morning, Ben Stein got all sentimental about how much he loved his crazy wife, despite the 16-odd stinky animals she keeps in the house, and how he couldn't imagine the day that one of them has to live without the other someday. And he talked about how broken his dad was when his mom left. He also reminded the public, that on Valentine's Day, we should call our loved ones who have lost their significant others. That got me teary-eyed too.

I was reminded that I become especially vulnerable to sappy tv on Sundays, when I'm not as distracted by the daily demands of school and social life. I am going to guess that is not just me. Those tv programmers sure know what they're doing.

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