Saturday, July 19, 2008


It only took me about oh, twenty years to finally do it.

After getting a haircut this morning, I took a streetcar to run an errand. On the way over, I spotted the boutique. I took it as a sign, and stopped in to asked the salesclerk about the procedure and cost. She explained the process and the upkeep. I said I'd think about it. I left the shop, and it started to rain heavily. I came back to Claire's a minute later and said, "Okay, I'll do it."

I signed a surprisingly elaborate form, indicating my name, address, birthdate, and that I understood the procedure and risk of infection. The salesclerk took me to the special station to have a seat.

She showed me gold, white gold, cubic zirconia and a selection of birthstone studs. I chose my birthstone, which was a pretty light green. I pushed aside the Claire's-branded teddy bear in the chair and sat down. The salesclerk asked if I had ever fainted before, and I said "No. I've given blood before, so I think I'll be fine."

The salesclerk didn't even make fun of me for being old. She said she pierced a lot of adult ears who wanted additional holes. And one time, she even pretended to be Hannah Montana's cousin, at the request of a girl's mom, because that was the only way the girl would let someone pierce her (the girl's) ears! Now why would a mom want her daughter's ears to be pierced so badly –and even make someone lie to make it happen? That's some kind of crazy opposite-land I don't understand!

The salesclerk put the gloves on, marked my ears, and I approved the placement in the mirror. She got the gun out. I winced as she counted "1... 2... 3!" but it hardly hurt at all! Easy peasy. I was relieved... that I was happy to finally see leetle gems on my ears, which meant I didn't regret it. And soon I will be able to wear hoops and dangly earrings like I always wanted!

But the trouble has already started. I already ordered hoop earrings (shown above) from the fabulous Fred Flare, which I can't even wear for at least another six weeks! Really, they were the impetus for me to finally get my ears pierced... and later I'll finally be able to wear earrings made by my very talented friends at Joy O & Square Six!

Oh, btw this morning I got big, thick bangs cut, so I basically look like my olllllld-school self, circa 1986. (Cuz you know, I need more ways to look ridiculously young for my age.) Also, it just so happens that my supervisor is out of town for another week (working in China). So he's going to return and find a whole new-looking intern!

So, what next? Maybe I'll finally get that tattoo? Except I think that'll be slightly more painful.

I'll ponder that tomorrow as I crochet among a rainy field of Canadian hipsters at the Rogers' Picnic. There are a lot of tattoo parlors in that 'hood, I think. But I probably wouldn't do it until some crazy night of drinking, which really doesn't happen as much anymore for me. Well, there is that bachelorette party coming up in August...

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Blogger sarah said...

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2:10 PM  
Blogger kt said...

you *know* i am a fan of the june getting a tat plan. you can just get a teeeeny one. :)

4:03 PM  
Blogger the.nicole.harvey said...

I was one of those ones--my mom made me get my ears pierced twice against my will. glad I have the ones, of course.
as for tats, I love a full sleeve on someone else, mutability rules them out for me.
guess I can start making you earrings now?

8:12 PM  

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