Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Singlehood: Not So Annoying

Today I got a really sweet response on a dating service:

"Why is it that no one has scooped you up already?"

But my instinctual response was "Because most men are annoying." No, I didn't actually write that back. I just didn't write back.

I realize there are exceptions, and that's why I have male friends and female friends/relatives in perfectly lovely relationships. But browsing what's available on personal ads on dating services makes me want to kill myself. Well not really, but it certainly doesn't motivate me to date anybody.

Anyway, I am gonna go fix myself up my home version of an Egg veggie Sausage McMuffin sandwich and continue with my less annoying singlehood until someone not so annoying (but rather, hot, inspiring, bright, expressive, and supportive) comes along.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

From Spouts to Spurts

In this age of social media and spurts of information, my ADD has grown and, well, I rarely am in the mood to spout on for paragraphs about stuff anymore.

I suppose I am spending more time nowadays either exploring and absorbing information and inspiration and then making stuff, like this:

Hello, Naples!

You know, less talk, more action!

So I started a tumblr blog that will hopefully be more regularly updated and less wordy. I'm debating whether this will have some redundant posts that I put on Facebook, but I suppose it will be nice for my non-friends who just like my posts. And maybe that will be easier for searching archived posts, because right now Facebook really sucks at that.

And in the rare times I feel like I have more to say, I will come back to this blog. Who knows? I started this blog years ago, just to understand why people blog and how it works. I guess I'm still figuring that out.

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