Saturday, October 09, 2004

More Designer Hello Kitty Mania and Eggy goodness

So apparently this Hello Kitty airstream trailer is one of many awesome collaborations between Sanrio and big name Designers, like Michael Graves, BCBG, Eugenia Kim, Tarina Tarantino, and more! They are all part of a Hello Kitty charity auction, coinciding with Hello Kitty's 30th anniversary.

Some items are slightly more affordable than the airstream trailer. For example, I may consider bidding on the gold-plated bling-bling cruiser bike:

or maybe the Steve Madden carved sandals (size 6!):

But could I really wear one-of-a-kind shoes out at risk of ruining them???

By they way, if you enjoyed the "i love egg" animation i posted previously, there's more where that came from. I guess they're marketing it in the UK in addition to Korea, because they also have images of actual related merchandise.... but they're not clickable!!!

What a tease.

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Friday, October 08, 2004

Forget real estate, I'm moving to a trailer park!

Valerie found this gem on Yahoo! Auctions. Does eBay have this? I don't think so!

"It's like a Dreeeaamm!" as my landlord, June, would say. My landlord is a very nice, but very wacky Japanese lady. She is obsessed with my belongings. Everytime she stops by the building for maintenance, she ebulliently chases me down to tell me how she loves all the cuteness in my apartment. She always says, in her charmingly broken English, "It's like a Dreeeaamm!" and then she rambles on about some crazy gossip about the neighbors that I only can half-understand.

One time I was pulling out of the driveway in my happy new convertible beetle, about to leave for work, and June very excitedly knocked on my window. I thought she had some urgent news, like maybe the hot water would get turned off or maybe there was a gas leak. All she wanted to say was, "I LOOOVE your CARRRR! It's SOOOO cuuhOOOt! I LOVe it! That's all. I just wanted to to tell you that."

But she had already mentioned this to me just the day before. I think normally I would be really irritated with her, but I guess it is nice that my landlord appreciates my kawaii obsession.

Have you noticed that landlords can be really colorful characters? My boyfriend's landlord is really cranky and likes to criticize the town's over-righteous nature. He says things like "The town is like a bunch of Berkeley graduates who grew up and got rich." Or he will call them "Commies" who got rich. Brian says that my boyfriend's landlord and my landlord are simply exaggerated old versions of my boyfriend and me.

Hmm. That is a little scary.

Anyway, I digress. Isn't this Hello Kitty Airstream amazing? I mean, it's way more luxurious than my closet-sized apartment. It's got INTERNET READY hookups, includes a microwave and refrigerator. I don't even have room for a microwave much less a normal fridge at home. It has adorably coordinated pink everything, plus a diner-style booth. And it's for charity, sponsored by TARGET! And I loooove Target! It's like they made it for me!. Really, who else would really want to live in this thing but me?

With all this buzz about having to invest in a home, maybe I'll invest in one of these instead. Can you just imagine it?? I could work remotely, by internet, while travelling across the country. And then I could blog about all the adventures meeting all the wonderful people who are drawn to the magic of Sanrio. It's like, a Dreeeaamm!

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Thursday, October 07, 2004

In pursuit of Halloween Fame

Ruh roh. Halloween is around the corner!

Every year my employer throws a Halloween contest, which I always enter. This is my illustrious costume record so far:

1999: Retro Space Girl (Best Sci-Fi Costume. Image not available.)
This consisted of sparkly antennas, a purple wig, sparkly minidress, sparkly white tights, a poofy silver ski jacket, white gloves, a Jetsons-like triangle collar, and faked go-go boots. Really, it was an excuse to wear go-go boots and a bracelet with fake blinking jewels.

2000: Buttercup, part of the 3-person Powerpuff Girls ensemble (Most Crafty Costume)
I bought the masks and got two girlfriends to help me sew actual minidresses to match the cartoons. We wore white tights and black maryjane shoes. It was RAD. And my dog Squeakers was dressed like a little Super Dog. The sad thing is that two other girls at work tried to be Buttercup but failed miserably. (Muahahahaha!)

2001: Tokyo Girl (No award. Image not available.)
I dressed sort of crazy, with platform shoes, a miniskirt, and a panda hat. If you ever saw the Japanese "Fruits" magazine, you'd understand. Okay, it's a little obscure. Most people probably just thought I was dressed like a lunatic.

My real costume that I wore outside of work, was actually the character of Margaret Yang, from the movie "Rushmore." My then-boyfriend was dressed as Max Fischer, and my Margaret costume didn't make sense without him around.

2002: Fortune Cookie, as part of the 3-person "Panda Express" ensemble (Best Group Costume)
My coworkers dressed as Chinese Takeout (noodles in a box) and a Panda (reusing my panda hat), and I wore white to match the fortune inside the fortune cookie. This was fun, but a little hard to walk around in.

2003: Bert & Ernie (2nd Place, best pair)
After a lot of complaining and disappointment, I finally bullied my boyfriend into sewing and creating Bert & Ernie costumes with me. He is unusually tall and also vary anal, while I am short and rather laid back, so the costume idea seemed only natural.

2004: ???? store-bought costumes? Nothing?

So what to do? I am running out of time to create a costume, so I suggest to my boyfriend that we purchase one this year. He doesn't think it's worth dressing up for, unless we actually make one. Of course this October is a super busy month, so he suggests that we just NOT DRESS UP AT ALL!

Of course, this is the same boyfriend who almost refused to do Bert and Ernie last year. But finally he pulled himself together to help me finish it the night before the Halloween contest.

I didn't get any sleep, stabbed myself with a sewing needle, and all we won was a pair of crappy DVDs (Brown Sugar and Enemy of the State) and movie passes.

But really, it's for the GLORY, as our friend Karen knows. (Good thing she quit the company to give us a better chance for winning some kind of contest award.)

So over the years, I have discovered that the best costumes usually are one of the following:

1. a well known pop-culture character or character team with funny details (Max Fischer/Margaret Yang, Austin Powers/Miss Kensington, Bert/Ernie)

2. a well known, but very dated pop-culture character or character team, who matches surprisingly well with the person in the costume (such as Bert/Ernie, Magnum P.I. or Chips), especially when accompanied by theme music

3. an ordinary object, blown up to be very large (fortune cookie, foozball men, an ID badge)

Any suggestions? Well, I have some ideas. but I don't want to give them away.
(hey! I already gave you major costume tips above!)

(well if you share your ideas, maybe i'll share mine. )

(or not.)

I may have to threaten my boyfriend that he is not coming to Vegas with me if he doesn't come through with the costume plans.

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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Venturing into new territory

I am feeling that this is a lucky year for me. New car, new cubicle, new job, new blog. I welcome change! Bring it, bay-bee!

here are my fun links for today:

politics: (- oops!)

* i would like to note, that i do not only enjoy white eggs, but also tea eggs, which are brown, and preserved eggs, which are black and eerily gelatinous.

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