Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Grades, schmades

Holy crap! I just got an A+ on my Plastics/Organic Chemistry test! I guess going on that long super-date/SNL thing was worthwhile after all.

On the other hand, some of my other studio class grades might not be doing so well. After a week of midterms and too many assignments leading up to my 4th all-nighter at FIT, I spent a weekend out of town for a L.A. wedding and took a red-eye flight back home just before Monday morning class.

My eyes were insanely bloodshot, and I knew a virus was going around lately, so I decided to finally get some sleep for the sake of my own health, instead of rushing to finish a snazzy robot drawing. I had to give into turning in an assignment late.

I had sent an email some weeks prior to my instructor asking for an extension on this week's assignments, knowing that the wedding in L.A. might set me behind schedule. But now he tells me that he never got the email. WTF!? It's not like I'd lie about something like that. Dammit!!

But you know what? I am willing to sacrifice high grades if it means I get proper rest and good times with my very special friends in L.A. And hell, I already have a Design degree, so maybe high grades don't matter as much to me.

It's just aggravating when I know I'm capable of doing well on the assignments they give me, but I don't have the time to properly execute. I think also I tend to get a little bit ambitious on the types of designs I come up with, which require more time to do them properly.

But all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We even learned how essential "play" is in child development in my Psych class!

Anyhoo. I must get back to writing my Psych paper on applying Cognitive Developmental theories on Truffault's film, "The Wild Child," due tomorrow. And I have to finish that take-home exam on seven chapters of Developmental Psych.

And people wonder why my eyes are perpetually bloodshot.

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