Thursday, August 31, 2006

Here I Go Again

I've never had ridiculous freakout crushes on boy bands or celebs growing up. Sure, Duran Duran, NKOTB, and n'sync were all fun to dance to, but I would never have squealed over them.

But I think I would squeal at OK Go. I think I'd even follow them across country like some kind of crazed groupie, if I didn't have to worry about a job. They make me feel like I'm going through some kind of freaky reverse pubescence. That Damian is too cute.

If you haven't heard of them, perhaps you've seen them on the JC Penney commercial (or on VH1 / MTV1 /MTV2 -- I wouldn't know cuz I don't have those channels anymore).

A friend first forwarded me their "A Million Ways" video, and soon after they followed it with this amazing treadmill dance video, and I think I fell in love. I downloaded the album, and I love all the songs. Even the slower ones, like "Lately It's Oh So Quiet" are really charming. "Do What You Want" and "Television, Television" are especially energetic and fun.

They have the same producer that worked with the Cardigans and Franz Ferdinand, two of my faves. Plus I read somewhere that John Flansburgh (of TMBG) loved them so much, that he offered to manage them. AND I read on their website bio, that they used to tour as the house band for my favorite radio show, "This American Life"!

They are amazing dancers, they rock out, they have great hair, they have awesome clothes, they're totally funny, and their songs are irresistible.

Plus, they keep a blog! Here's a funny video where they are in the bathroom with JC Chasez (previously of n'sync), who is giving them advice on performing at the VMAs. How awesomely dorky are they?? Can I have Damian's children? (Damian = lead singer) They would be so cute. Sigh.

They're gonna do the treadmill dance on the VMAs, but I'm going to be travelling on the road... Can someone please Tivo it for me??
Thanks, k, bye!!

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

La Fiesta del Autobus!

Mexican Bus decor
Originally uploaded by misocrazy.
Last week, I joined some young'uns on a Mexican Party Bus, for my friend Jeff's birthday. (It turns out that he has the same birthday as me! --but we're a few years apart.)

If you want to feel like you're turning 21 again, or recapture those crazy college days of yonder that you never had, I highly recommend it.

To my surprise, the bus driver included a couple nature stops (one at Twin Peaks and one at the beach, by Beach Chalet) in addition to three bars all spread out across town (540, Trader Sam's, and Kennedy's).

Some advice before you go:
  • Hydrate and eat a proper meal before starting.
  • Pace yourself.
  • Visit the restroom at each bar.
  • Carry Purell.
  • Wear easy shoes to walk in.
  • Keep your cell charged and on you.
Now that I am in my 30s, I was able to remember these things and have a pretty good time. (Except I may have embarrassed myself by ranting about being old too much toward the end of the evening.)

New things that I learned while on the bus:
  • 540 did not accept passports as proper ID! Have you ever heard of such a thing?
  • Don't be surprised if the Mexican Bus driver turns out to be German. (gotta love the diversity of San Francisco)
  • My buddy Joe really likes the piña coladas at Trader Sam's.
  • They serve sake at Kennedy's (across the street from Bimbo's 365).
  • Hold on to your sombreros when you are standing at the top of Twin Peaks. It gets windy.
  • If you bring maracas, you will lose them.
  • Beware of people armed with cameras.
  • Make sure your camera is charged so you can have equally incriminating photos of everyone else.

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Friday, August 25, 2006

Fun with MySpace

Ah, it's so easy to make fun of MySpace.

Here's a jab from that awful silicon valley gossip blog and another from The Daily Show.

Of course, I then had to go and post the video as a bulletin on MySpace, cuz I'm an eNerd. And then I found one of those cheesy friend questionnaires! Ah, how I loved to do those back in 1999. So here goes:

1. Female friend: Gah, don't make me pick! NH, KT, DL, KP, PV, JL?
2. Male friend: Wha? Boys are dumb. Ok, I guess, TK or cousin Bill.
3. Vacation: That I've had? Probably Hong Kong, France, or Hawaii

1. Time of day: 7am-8am?
2. Day of the Week: Monday, I'm so unoriginal.
3. Food: sea slug
4. Memory: Hmm. That's too depressing to share here. See the bottom of this entry.

1. Person you saw: Canadian Jen
2. Talked to on the phone: Penny
3. Texted: Diana
4. IMed: Kathleen
5. Messaged over MySpace: "Lola," my junior high school friend's lil' sis. Blame her for this dorky quiz.

1. What are you doing now: composing a blog entry on the work shuttle bus
2. Wearing: dark skinny BR jeans from Goodwill, Forever 21 polka dot top, Irregular Choice black/pink kitten heel shoes
3. Better than yesterday?: Yes, if the Mexican Bus goes well. --except the food was probably better yesterday (at Kiss Sushi in Japantown)

1. Tomorrow is: Saturday!
2. Got any plans?: Brunch in my 'hood, then shopping & b-day Chez Panisse w/ girlfriends
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: I will likely be hungover.

1. Number: 8 or 666
2. Song: at the moment, "Here It Goes Again" by OK Go
3. Color: primary colors. not gray.
4. Season: summer

1. Missing someone: perhaps
2. Mood: bemused
3. Wanting: a nap

Yes or No
I am a cuddler: hmm. yes? it's been awhile. depends with whom.
I am a morning person: rarely.
I am addicted to myspace: no
I am online 24/7: pretty much. make me feel extra pathetic, why don't you.
I enjoy country music: older stuff. Basically Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash,and The Mavericks
I enjoy jazz music: Some of it.
I enjoy smoothies: Yes, esp. if it has peaches, mango, or blueberries
I enjoy talking on the phone: not really. I'm 31, not 13.
I have a crush: yes?
I have a hard time paying attention at school: I'm too cool (read: old) for school.
I have a hidden talent: I am still looking for it!
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: not really. okay maybe.
I am an only child: no
I am currently in my pajamas: no
I am currently single: yes
I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" girl or guy: no
I have at least one brother and/or sister: yes (hmm that was redundant. did an 11-year old write this thing?)
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor: no.
I have broken a bone: no
I have changed a lot over the past year: i don't think a LOT, but some? change is good!
I have had major/minor surgery: no
Lost someone close to you: yes

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Do you fit your birth order?

I am a sucker for personality quizzes. And I totally believe in how birth order can affect personality.

This one was spot on!

You Are Likely a Third Born

At your darkest moments, you feel vulnerable.
At work and school, you do best when you're comparing things.
When you love someone, you tend to like to please them.

In friendship, you are loyal to one person.
Your ideal careers are: sales, police officer, newspaper reporter, inventor, poet, and animal trainer.
You will leave your mark on the world with inventions, poetry, and inspiration.

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Monday, August 21, 2006


Thanks to all my new and old friends who made my b-day so much fun in Dolores Park.

We had KFC buckets, KFC snackers, Miette cupcakes, at least 4 boxes of Beard Papa, multiple batches of homemade cookies, lychee jello poppers, fruit, cheese, chips, candy, and so much more! I have enough food to last me the rest of the month.

It's nice to know that people still think it's okay to give me stickers as a present at my age. Note to my homeys: The karaoke fun has only BEGUN! See you Wednesday at the Mint!

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