Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dirty Designers

Sometimes I hear things in class, that might sound really bad out of context, such as these lines I've heard from our soft toy (plush sewing) class:
Sewing Assistant: Gimme your body.
Fred: What?

Jee: I really like Miso's tail! It's so fat.
Me: Yeah, I like a toy with a big booty.

K-boy: Do you like my body?
Of course, all of this is really quite innocent. The sewing assistant is always saying things that sound strange like that, because she is constantly helping us create and revise the sewing patterns for the body parts of our plush toys. And the students like to comment on each others' work.

This also came up when we were learning how to create light and shadow as we drew fashion dolls for our Computer Rendering class:
Will: Oooh. Miso, your boobs are really nice!!
And then there are other times, when we really aren't discussing toys at all:
K-boy: Your boobs grew.
Me: What?
K:boy: Your boobs grew.
Me: Uhm. No...
K-boy: (looks around the room) Jan isn't here today, so you win for biggest boobs.
I told Jan about this later, and she said, "I didn't know there was a contest." I said, "I didn't either."

Not surprisingly, this kind of inappropriate banter is usually started by a guy. I don't mind it when the gay guys do it, because it's just silly and often funny. But when the straight ones joke about boobs or whatever, it's not so funny. That just comes off as more awkward and sad. Luckily that doesn't happen much, and it's never really directed at any of the ladies in class. Cuz that would just be sexual harassment.

But don't ask me why one of the gay guys was checking out my boobs. (I think I had a more fitted sweater that day.) He is also the same one who suggested we get married, but he just wants me for the U.S. citizenship.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Learnin' American with Miso & Lilo

We have a few international students in our Toy Design class, all from Korea. One of them, Jee, sits next to me. So every once in awhile, she will ask Lilo (who is American-raised, from a Taiwanese-American family like I am) or me to explain something she doesn't understand.

One day, during our Soft Toy (sewing) class, Lilo was studying out loud for our History of Industrial Design quiz, partly to help us study too:
Lilo: How do I remember that William Morris did the Pimpernel wallpaper? Oh. I know. William Morris was a pimp! Pimpernel Wallpaper!
Me: Hah! That's good. He was a pimp!
Jee: What is "pimp?"
Me: Umm.... it's a hooker's boss.
Jee: A hooker's boss?
Me: Prostitute? A prostitute's boss. But people use "pimp" as slang, like "Dude, you're a pimp!"
Lilo: Yeah, "You're a pimp" is like "You're awesome!"
Jee: So "pimp" is "awesome"?
Me: Yeah, in slang. But in real life, pimps are bad people.
Jee: They're bad? But why?
Lilo: Yeah, he like, owns the hookers, and the hookers do all the work.
Me: And usually they're abusive. Not like I really know about these things, haha.
Lilo: Yeah, like they take all the money from the hookers and then slap them around, hahaha.
Me: But they make lots of money and they flaunt it. Like, show it off? So that's why it's used in slang like that. Like, if you have a cool place, someone would say, "Dude. Your place is pimpin'."
Lilo: Yeah.
Me: But some people think it's politically incorrect. Like, it's really a rude thing to say.
Lilo: No, it IS politically incorrect. But we just say it to be funny.
Me: Yeah, it's more like "gangsta" slang? Like mostly rappers will say it normally? But we wouldn't really say that, unless we're just being ridiculous.
Lilo: Yeah, it's like how we call each other "bitch."
Jee: Ah. Okay.
Other times, Jee will ask us to help her correct her pronunciation. She works very hard at it, because she knows presentation skills are important job skills. Also she doesn't want to sound like she's cussing when she doesn't mean to.
Jee: Miso.
Me: Yes?
Jee: "Sheeyt."
Me: Hmm. close. "Sheet."
Jee: Shit.
Me: Nooo. Sheeeet. Wider in the mouth. Sheeet.
Jee: Sheeeit.
Me: Better. It's "eeeee", versus "ih."
Jee: I can't tell the difference! Do it again.
Me: "eee," "ih". Sheet, shit.
Jee: Hmm. Do you like to eeat a peach on bitch with a sheeteh?
Soo: "Peach" sounded good...
Me: Yeah, just say it like you did with "peach."
Jee: Eit a peach on bitch on a shit.
Me: Hmm. "Eeeee!"
Jee: "Eeeeeeee!"
Lilo: Sheeet. sheet.
Jee: Shieet.
Me: Closer?
Lilo: (shakes head)
Jee: Eat a peach, on beach, on a sheeiet.
Jee: Sheiieet.
Lilo: Now not as slow.
Jee: Shiet.
Me: Hmm.
Jee: Shit.
Me: No.
Lilo: You know, I don't really use "sheet" that often.
Me: And I think people can figure out what you mean in context anyway.
Jee: I know, but I don't want to say the wrong word in a presentation!! Sheeit. Sheeit. Shit.
Me: You could say, "Eat shit on a beach, bitch!" to someone you don't like. Or "Eat a peach on a beach, bitch!"
Jee: No!
Me: Okay, say "Eat a peach at a beach on a sheet."
Jee: Peach. Pitch. Bitch. Bitch. Sheeit. Sheeit. "Eeeat a peach on a beitch on a sheiit."
Me: Hmm. Just keep practicing!
Jee: Sigh.
Later, toward the end of the day, we were in our Computer Rendering class, learning how to color and shade plastic-looking dolls:
Jee: Your doll is peem peem!
Lilo: What?
Jee: Peem... peem?
Lilo: Oh. PIMP-in'. Is that what you're sayin'?
Jee: Peempeen?
Lilo: Pimpin.
Jee: Peempeen? Peempin?
Lilo: Pimpin.
Jee: Yours is peempin.
Aww. I will miss my classmates this summer.

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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good:
  • I survived that crazy second semester, with pretty good grades, to boot!

  • I finally feel rested up. It only took about a week after school ended.

  • I joined my roommate for pedicures, got a little Memorial Day Soho shopping in, and enjoyed Vietnamese sandwiches with Grace.

  • I ran into the inspiration for the Shumbee, in Central Park, with Dubbledubs, which was like a mini-Yahoo!-Messenger reunion.

  • It's sunny and warm in New York! –Even in the evenings, and sunlight lasts way past 7pm!

  • Warm weather means ice cream trucks all over New York!

  • My internship is setting me up in a sweet pad in downtown Toronto, where summer will be less humid, and the daylight lasts even longer.

  • I know a guy who is insanely cute, kissable, smart, fun, creative, talented, successful, social, affectionate, and can name about all the characters in my toy collection. And he mentioned possibly visiting me in Toronto.

  • As of yesterday, all of my classmates are finally legal to drink. Our Baby's all grows up.

  • I discovered that Dubbledubs, who mostly doesn't cook, can make delightful deviled eggs.

  • I finally have some time to go check out New York!

The Bad:
  • I have homework assignments, with due dates spread throughout this summer. So maybe my summer weekends won't be as free as I thought.

  • That guy I mentioned earlier, lives about 3,000 miles away. And I'm sure the ladies in his town aren't blind to his charms.

  • I need to clean out my room for my summer subletter.

  • I am generally not very dateable, because I keep moving from city to city.

  • New York is getting smellier.
The Ugly:
  • I'm missing a somewhat important key.

  • I can't find my applecare stuff, and I have a tendency to abuse my gadgets.

  • I got some snailmail, informing me that I have even MORE homework to do throughout the summer, requiring me to pack more art supplies for Toronto.

  • That guy insists on wearing crocs and is really lame about responding to my emails. (And it turns out that he can't touch-type, even though he's a coder!) So I don't think he'll really visit me in Toronto.

  • I can find two expired passports, but not my current one! I hope they'll give me a replacement one, based on my old ones...

  • Ransacking my room, for my passport, etc. has made me tired again. I need a coffee. And a beer.

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Time for another bag indulgence?

Generally I find Coach bags to be boring, but they do have great stitching quality and use the best materials. And every once in a long while, they come out with a design that I really like:

This one is a really good size and seems suitable for everyday use (as opposed to the other two, very season-specific Coach bags I own). I like how it's a fairly understated bag, but has just enough cute elements (patent leather, jumbo clasp, and pleats) to keep it interesting. It might suit my age better (than my other bags, which probably would more likely be shown in Teen Vogue than regular Vogue).

But the price tag! Argh. Come on Yahoo! stock, go up just a little so I can sell my last shares.

Or maybe I should just walk up the block to finally respond to those knockoff sellers on Canal Street that I ignore everyday.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

One more year. ONE MORE.

Here it is, the hard toy project that nearly killed us:

I didn't design this. We built this project, based on an existing design. We were just learning about construction methods for this assignment. Thankfully, mine looks pretty decent, but it's not properly constructed. We were supposed to screw most of it together, but we ended up super-gluing most of it, due to lack of time. And who knows if this floats like it's supposed to. We gave up on making any of the parts squirt. My doors open, and the flag can turn, so that's a lot more than I expected to get done.

Here are some of the other Marina sets built by my classmates:

That front one, by Soo, is nearly perfect. She is one of the very few that actually completed every part. But even she didn't attach the rooftop to the house. I chose to leave my rooftop detached as well, and I gave up on making the nozzles for the firehose and gas pump, myself. You might notice that some of them gave up on finishing a lot of the parts. And I don't blame them. In the same week, we had papers due, plush toys to finish sewing, oral presentations, and exams to study for! I could only finish what I did by pulling a couple of all-nighters. It was painful.

So, even though finals were done Monday night, I am still recovering from the exhaustion. Well, I was almost recovered yesterday, but then I went out for a late night of dancing with the new Senior class (my class) and the newly graduated class of Toy Designers from FIT.

So now I'm recovering from:
  • manual labor of building hard toys (during which I breathed toxic fumes, callused my fingers, and coated my fingertips in crusty superglue and paints)

  • frantically sewing plush toys (which caused me to have my first sore back in years and left most of my clothes and bedroom in a layer of aqua-fur lint)

  • lack of sleep from writing papers and sewing all night

  • drinking plentifully at Elmo's Lounge in Chelsea

  • dancing a few too many hours in gold heels at Sway in West Village

I know of three different students who started crying in despair during finals week. Note: they were not all female, and I was not one of these students. Honestly, it was too much to work to expect from us. We had to make compromises toward the end on the quality of what we were going to finish. It's difficult to make those decisions, because flaws are so obvious on a visual end-product.

I'd say I was probably the best in my class at staying calm about the whole process. (It might be all those years of working with unrealistic deadlines.) Luckily we mostly retained a sense of humor together toward the end, which kept us sane. A few got caught up in ridiculous drama over who got more assistance time with the sewing teacher and whatnot. I wasn't too concerned with any of that, because I was pretty independent about my sewing work. And fortunately most students were pretty generous about helping each other out, as we were all struggling to finish.

During finals week, I started to mutter a lot to myself. Most often, I would say, "Ohhh, you little SHIT!" when something wasn't working like I wanted, and someone would say, "What?" And I'd say, "Oh nothing. Talking to myself again."

Sunday night, at around 1am, I got agitated while painting one of my hard toy pieces in white, because I kept seeing tiny splotches of red show up randomly on it. I said, "Tschh. Where is this red paint coming from? Aggh. How annoying." Then I kept trying to wipe it and reapply the white paint, until I said, "Oh. Is this red paint? Wait. This is blood, isn't it? Oh yes, I see the cut now." I had cut my finger slightly on an exacto knife earlier but didn't notice.

Also, I wounded my knuckle on the sander machine, while working in the Toy Shop (–not a store, but the wood shop, with vacuum-molding machines and a paint room). I didn't even really feel it too much, but I saw it, and thought, "Crap. That doesn't look good. At least it didn't really hurt... maybe it's not that bad... it's not bleeding... yet? Ohhh is it going to bleed now? Dammit, it is. Now I have to interrupt my workflow to clean this thing and bandage it? Sheesh."

So I calmly dug up the one crappy Hello Kitty band-aid in my computer bag. (We ran out of bandages in the classroom's first-aid kit, and nobody had refilled it.) However, it may come to you as a surprise, that Hello Kitty bandages don't stick that well. I tried to ignore the flimsy bandage flying around as I cut more wood and molded more plastic, but the bleedy wound peeking out was a little distracting. And I probably didn't want sawdust getting in there. So finally, grabbed some blue artists' tape to stick the bandage better to my hand, which looked utterly ridiculous, but I didn't have time to be concerned with appearances at that point.

So anyway, I'm relieved it's over, and I'm really happy about my two-week break before my internship starts. –Except, I will have lots of homework to do over the summer on top of the internship, and frankly, we are afraid of senior year. It doesn't sound like it will be that much easier at all.

Not to mention, that working this hard does not bode well for a social/dating life, which is a travesty for someone living in a nice apartment in New York City. Will calls me the "femme fatale" of the class, and K-boy has asked to marry me, which is sweet, but sadly, I think I will only ever get this kind of flattery from gay men. Straight men seem to be incapable of expressing actual feelings with me until it's too late. Also, I'm super picky, so I may end up being single for life. And I think I could be okay with that.

On the other hand, maybe I'm not missing that much, because I've had a string of disappointing relationships, with guys who have mostly asked to get back together with me a year later. Also, they've all gone on to marry the next girl they dated.

I never had that weepy "When Harry Met Sally" reaction; in fact, I've predicted it half the time, and I'm relieved they found someone else good for them. I certainly couldn't deal with them anymore. I'm just a little tired of being the trainer girlfriend. Can't I get some kind of referral bonus or something for the time spent on these guys?

Plus, the recent guy I dated has demonstrated some real jackassery. I knew the crocs were a bad sign! The pretty eyes, Scrabble skills, and karaoke talent must have distracted me, but I know better now. It's ALL IN THE SHOES.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008


See that last blog post?

Yeah, well add another day of (much needed) hard toy hours on Sunday.
Plus we found out today, about an important meeting Friday, before Marketing class, to talk about our summer internships. You know, because we have ALL THIS FREE TIME.

So... I don't know when I'll get to study for Art History or write that paper. It will be a miracle if I finish building that Marina bath toy set for hard toy class.

Also, I stayed up all of last night, sewing. I nearly sliced my hand at while cutting fabric hapazardly at 5am. Luckily I had band aids.

Sewing class was supposed to end at noon, but it was clear that the whole class still needed at least another 2 hours to finish their work. So everyone was frantically sewing, ironing, mending, cutting, past the end of class, and I know at least two people started CRYING in the process. At 2pm, the next class arrived to use our classroom, to find it filled with piles of sewing supplies.

The next teacher to use the classroom was not very sympathetic (aka a jerk). We packed up and cleared out into the hallway, as I finished sewing up my last seam. I felt victorious, as I did manage to add sew detail on my monster's crown and scales on its pocket, which I didn't expect to have time to do. I even added a little hangtag to it; the teacher had one of those retail plastic things to attach the hangtag to the toy.

Some students were helping others who were struggling to finish their toys, as they were about to have a nervous breakdown. Some of us who did finish happily admired each other's work and quickly took photos of our creations as they were soon to be rudely taken away from us, like babies going to the adoption agency. Despite the madness, our teacher thanked us for the hard work and even said, "When you start running toy companies, remember me! I have four kids to feed and will need the contract work!"

After sewing class, half the class still had oral presentations to do (I did mine last week, knowing that I didn't want to add that to this week's hell), and nobody had eaten food since last night's dinner. I was just telling someone last week, that I never feel like needing a massage, but I really needed one.

Luckily our History of Industrial Design teacher was kind enough to bake us gingerbread for our last day! And despite our weariness, a lot of the presentations were really interesting (about Barbie, Waldorf dolls, Ningyo dolls, Super Mario Brothers, "Spectacles," and the Hummer).

Finally when class ended, we went outside to find a warm and sunny day. I treated myself to a medium Parksberry with mango and strawberries (which were slightly frozen --not as good as Pinksberry, but acceptable). There were even vendors selling clothes and jewelry, and I bought a cute little green top.

Then I went home and slept for seven hours. Now I need to get up (after midnight!) and start a seven-page marketing paper... and probably that Art History paper too, while I'm at it. Classmates are already texting me and calling me with questions about Marketing class notes! I don't even really know how to write this thing. Blargh.

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Sunday, May 11, 2008


Seriously, WTF, FIT Toy Design!?

Monday 10am - 9pm
Hard Toy lab hours (woodshop)
Hard Toy lab & class
Ancient Art History class (oral presentation)

Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Soft Toy class (finalizing storybook plush)
Hard Toy lab hours (woodshop)
Computer Drafting class (3-D rendering & orthographic views of car due, plus presentation)

Wednesday 1pm - 9pm
Motor Learning class (Childhood Toy analysis paper due)
Computer Graphics class (Storybook logo/hangtag vector art due)

Thursday 9am - 5pm
Soft Toy class (final Storybook plush due)
History of Industrial Design class

Friday 1pm - 4:30pm
Marketing class (8-15 pg marketing plan due, plus final exam)

Saturday 10am - 6pm
Hard Toy lab hours

Frantically cram for Art History Final
Write my Art History Paper
Glue or Paint anything I can for Hard Toy
Freak out and then pass out

Monday 10am - 9pm
Hard Toy Lab
Hard Toy Class (Final Marina Bath Toy set due)
Art History (Final Exam and paper due)


Intern for my last day at Head Start with the pre-schoolers
Start clearing out my room for my summer subletter
Find that passport so I can go to that internship in Canada

Now I must go sew like a madwoman.

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